PPP’s Kim Gi-hyeon still remains in power despite the defeat in the by-election

Cho Moon-hee 2023. 12. 11. 17:29
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Kim Ki-hyun, chairman of the National People\'s Power, attends a meeting of the Supreme Council at the National Assembly on Nov. 7. By Park Min-kyu Senior Reporter

"The Second Regime of Kim Gi-hyeon will last two weeks at most."

These are the words of Lee Jun-seok, the former party leader of the ruling People Power Party (PPP), on October 17, a week after the “complete defeat” in the by-election for the head of the Gangseo District Office in Seoul. But Kim's regime is still in place, while the party's innovation committee, which stood opposite to the party leadership, has collapsed.

One of the reasons for the survival of Kim's regime is the short time left before the general election. Next year's general election is scheduled for April 10, which is exactly four months away. Some say that the PPP cannot afford to spend several weeks establishing an emergency committee when the party should focus on the preparation for the general election using all its resources.

The second reason is that the party’s leadership will lose its power with the creation of a nomination committee for the upcoming general election. The committee is usually created at the beginning of the year when an election is held. And from that period, politicians inside and outside the party pay more attention to the committee than to the party leader. This analysis is also supported by the party's internal movement to rely on figures, such as Land, Infrastructure and Transport Minister Won Hee-ryong and Justice Minister Han Dong-hoon.

Recently, there is also a possibility that even the formation of the committee can be delayed under Kim's regime. Kim said the committee will be organized in the middle of this month. However, the situation changed as the Democratic Party announced that it will pass the so-called “The Special Prosecutor Act on Kim Keon-hee” and “The Special Prosecutor Act on the 5 Billion Club Related to the Daejang-dong Project” on December 28. Concerns have been raised that if the committee is formed early and a cutoff for active lawmakers is decided in advance, some party members could vote for the Special Prosecutor Act on Kim Keon-hee.

President Yoon Suk-yeol could veto the special prosecutor act if it is passed by the National Assembly, in which case the Democratic Party is expected to put the bill to a second vote. A bill which is put to a second vote can be passed by a majority vote when the majority of lawmakers are present for the vote in the National Assembly. If more than 18 PPP members voted for the bill, it can become a law.

Some say that Yoon had a meeting with PPP leader Kim on the 5th and the 8th to talk about the Special Prosecutor Act on Kim Keon-hee.

Some even say that Kim has a "bargaining chip" over Yoon on the special prosecutor act.

The Kim’s regime in the PPP is also regarded as the result of the collaboration between President Yoon and active lawmakers.

※This article has undergone review by a professional translator after being translated by an AI translation tool.

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