SAA SA 2023. 12. 8. 22:21
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Notre-Dame Cathedral marks one year before its reopening to the public

epa11017438 Archaeologists of the French National Institute for Preventive Archaeological Research (INRAP) work on skeletons in graves at the burial site discovered in the nave of the Notre-Dame de Paris Cathedral, in Paris, France, 08 December 2023. French President Emmanuel Macron is visiting Notre Dame Cathedral on 08 December, to mark the one-year countdown to its reopening in 2024 following extensive restoration after the fire four years ago. Macron's visit, continuing his annual tradition since the blaze on 15 April 2019, is aimed to highlight the progress in the works, including the near completion of the cathedral spire. EPA/SARAH MEYSSONNIER / POOL MAXPPP OUT

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