NewJeans, Seventeen, Tomorrow X Together storm Billboard charts in Japan

이채민 2023. 12. 8. 13:25
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NewJeans landed at No. 26 on the country's Hot 100 chart on Thursday with its track "Ditto" in the single "OMG," the highest ranking achieved by a work of a foreign artist on this chart.
Girl group NewJeans [ADOR]

K-pop acts NewJeans, Seventeen and Tomorrow X Together stormed Japan's Billboard charts released this week.

NewJeans landed at No. 26 on the country's Hot 100 chart on Thursday with its track "Ditto" in the single "OMG," the highest ranking achieved by a work of a foreign artist on the chart.

Its other track, "OMG," and one of its debut tracks, "Hype Boy," each ranked No. 31 and No. 68, placing a total of three songs on the Hot 100. This is the highest number of songs that a foreign act has been able to put on the chart, the girl group's agency ADOR said Friday.

NewJeans's second EP "Get Up" ranked No. 71 on Billboard Japan's Hot Albums, a comprehensive album chart released Wednesday.

Boy band Seventeen placed No. 4 with its 10th EP "FML" on Hot Albums, No. 5 with "Always Yours" and No. 7 with its 11th EP "Seventeenth Heaven."

The band climbed to No. 10 on the Artist 100 chart on Wednesday, marking the highest rank for a K-pop artist on the chart, its agency Pledis Entertainment said Friday.

Three albums by boy band Tomorrow X Together made it to the Billboard Japan Hot Albums chart. Its second Japanese album "Sweet" was named No. 10, and its third Korean album "The Name Chapter: Freefall" No. 16. Its fifth EP "The Name Chapter: Temptation" was placed at No. 22.

In the Top Albums Sales chart released Wednesday, the three albums reached No. 10, No. 14 and No. 17, respectively. Tomorrow X Together also landed at No. 35 on Artist 100.

The band's track "Happily Ever After" in "The Name Chapter: Freefall" went viral on social media earlier this year, reaching No. 2 on Billboard Japan's TikTok Weekly Top 20 on Wednesday, according to its agency BigHit Music.

To find out more about NewJeans, Seventeen and Tomorrow X Together, visit Celeb Confirmed!


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