S. Korea asks UAE to correct nat'l flag image mix-up on COP28 website

2023. 12. 6. 21:48
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COP28 Website

South Korea has requested the United Arab Emirates correct the faulty posting of North Korea's national flag as that of South Korea on the website of the 28th United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP28), Seoul's foreign ministry said Wednesday.

On the COP28's official website, an image of the North Korean flag had been put up above the Republic of Korea, the official name of South Korea, in a list of 38 countries that participated in the mutual recognition of certification schemes for renewable and low-carbon hydrogen and hydrogen derivatives.

The ministry lodged a complaint with its counterpart of the UAE, the host country of the event, prompting the Middle Eastern country to delete the images of the national flags of all participants from the post.

The UAE government has said it plans to conduct an investigation into the matter and share the results with South Korea, according to the ministry.

The COP28 climate talks kicked off in Dubai on Thursday for a 13-day run.

South and North Korea remain technically at war as the 1950-53 Korean War ended with a truce, not a peace treaty. (Yonhap)

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