AFCU cs 2023. 12. 5. 09:34
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Juanita Castro, Fidel Castro's younger sister, dies at 90 in Miami

epa11011293 (FILE) Juanita Castro, the younger sister of the late Cuban leader Fidel Castro and who was in exile since the 1960s, poses during an interview with EFE in Miami, USA, 27 October 2009 (reissued 04 December 2023). Juanita Castro died this 04 December in Miami at the age of 90, reported journalist María Antonieta Collins, co-author of her memoirs. 'Today Juanita Castro went ahead of us on the path of life and death, an exceptional woman, a tireless fighter for the cause of the Cuba she loved so much,' Collins published on her Instagram account. EPA/Gaston de Cardenas EDITORIAL USE ONLY EDITORIAL USE ONLY

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