SK innovation successfully converts carbon dioxide to carbon monoxide

2023. 12. 4. 14:51
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[Courtesy of SK innovation]
SK innovation has successfully used electrochemical catalysis to convert carbon dioxide into carbon monoxide, with the produced carbon monoxide expected to contribute to the production of carbon-reducing chemical products.

The company announced on Sunday that its Institute of Environmental Science & Technology recently succeeded in manufacturing about 1 kg of carbon monoxide daily by selectively converting carbon dioxide to carbon monoxide using a diatomic catalyst technology.

According to the company, the diatomic catalyst technology has further enhanced the catalyst performance that alters the speed of chemical reactions. Carbon monoxide finds applications in the production of formic acid, plastics, and various chemical products. Recently, it has garnered attention as a raw material for alternative fuels like methanol and synthetic oil.

SK innovation anticipates that this research will have an impact on reducing carbon dioxide emissions while securing a source of carbon monoxide. The research results were published in the November 29, 2023, issue of Chemical Engineering Journal.

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