Seoul unveils plans for double-wheeled Twin Eye
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The city previously announced in March 2023 that it would promote a private investment project to build a Ferris wheel with a creative, spokeless design in Sangam as part of the Great Hangang Project. At the time, it was dubbed “Seoul Ring” as it was originally designed as a single wheel, but the plan unveiled on Wednesday has two wheels rotating and crossing each other. The spokeless wheels will be 180 meters in diameter with 64 capsules and is the world’s first double-wheeled Ferris wheel, the Seoul Metropolitan Government said.
The consortium proposed the plan, saying that intersecting the two wheels not only makes the attraction more resistant to earthquakes and winds but also increases the number of people it can accommodate, leading to business profitability. Arup Ltd., a global company that designed London’s landmark London Eye, joined the consortium to review safety and SK ecoplant Co. will be involved in the construction.
The cost of building the Seoul Twin Eye is estimated at 910.2 billion won ($769.28 million). Construction is scheduled to begin in late 2025 or early 2026 and be completed by the end of 2028.
A complex cultural facility will also be built with the Ferris wheel. The Seoul Twin Eye will be lifted to 40 meters above the ground to secure a panoramic view, and the lower space will be used as an exhibition and cultural space, including a performance and exhibition hall, convenience facilities, support facilities, and leisure facilities including fountains, a zipline, and a monorail.
The city plans to complete a preliminary review by the Seoul Public Investment Management Service in December 2023 and send the proposal to the Korea Development Institute (KDI) the following month to verify business feasibility.
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