GC Biopharma begins operating new Hwasun mRNA vaccine plant

2023. 12. 1. 14:57
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[Courtesy of GC Biopharma]
GC Biopharma Corp. announced on Thursday that it is set to begin operating its messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) production facility located in Hwasun, Jeonnam Province, South Korea.

The newly completed facility includes a pilot-scale GMP manufacturing and quality control center. With its new facility, GC Biopharma aims to build up its own mRNA-related technology while continuing to enhance its capabilities in this field. The new facility boasts an ‘all-in-one’ setup that can handle each stage of mRNA production.

By initiating pilot-scale GMP application, GC Biopharma plans to expand its scope from producing drugs for clinical trials to future commercialization and contract manufacturing organization (CMO) services.

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