Shinhan Financial Group to launch Shinhan Super SOL

2023. 12. 1. 13:30
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[Courtesy of Shinhan Financial Group]
South Korea’s Shinhan Financial Group Co. said on Thursday that it will launch ‘Shinhan Super SOL,’ a digital app consolidating the core features of the group’s various financial services, on December 18.

Shinhan Super SOL integrates key functionalities from the financial apps of five major group companies, including banks, credit cards, securities, life insurance, and savings banks to provide customers with a seamless experience. When a customer enters the desired loan or investment amount, the service recommends the optimal products, interest rates, and limits from the group’s subsidiaries.

Shinhan Super SOL also offers an integrated search feature, enabling users to easily find all the products and services offered by Shinhan Financial, including FAQs and financial guides, in a single platform.

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