D.Camp hosts 2023 All-Star League, POSCORE wins D.Day
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D.Day, a startup competition program that draws most attention in All-Star League, marked its 114th edition after the first in June 2013. As many as 267 companies applied for the chance to be one of D.Day’s 10 finalists. The first part of the event featured five early-stage startups looking for seed or pre-Series A funding, while five startups with a post-money valuation of under 20 billion won ($15.37 million) competed in the second part.
The top two winners in the early-stage group were Medi Node and Lattice Inc. Medi Node provides an artificial intelligence-based integrated pharmaceutical solution to help hospitals and pharmacies manage drug inventory, while Lattice operates Prix, an all-in-one contract management solution that enables systematic and integrated contract management.
The winners in the second part of D.Day were Grey Box Inc. and OKXE Inc. Grey Box developed Notifly, a marketing solution for customer relationship management (CRM) that helps companies send and manage messages to customers on various channels. OKXE is a company that provides used motorcycle trading services in Vietnam with a 15 percent market share.
In the MokTalk program, senior entrepreneurs successfully running businesses in Japan, Vietnam, and Singapore shared their know-how on going local. In the WorkNect networking event, startup ecosystem stakeholders gathered to work together and network for a day.
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