Hyundai Engineering wins housing redevelopment project in Seoul

2023. 11. 27. 16:21
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Garak 6th apartment complex redevelopment project in Songpa District [Courtesy of Hyundai Engineering]
Hyundai Engineering Co. has been selected as the construction contractor for the Garak 6th apartment complex redevelopment project in Songpa District, southern Seoul.

Hyundai Engineering announced Monday that the decision was made during a general meeting held Sunday to select a project contractor.

The project marks Hyundai Engineering’s initial involvement in a street-housing residential redevelopment project, with a total project scale estimated at 101.7 billion won ($78 million).

As part of the redevelopment plan, the existing Garak 6th apartment complex, comprising 160 households (from basement 1st floor to ground 10th floor across two buildings) in Garak-dong, will be transformed into 191 households (from basement 3rd floor to ground 25th floor across two buildings) along with supplementary and convenience facilities.

The street-housing residential redevelopment project falls under the special law concerning the redevelopment of vacant houses and small-scale residences. It focuses on improving the living environment in areas surrounded by roads where aged or substandard buildings are clustered, maintaining the existing layout while enhancing living conditions within smaller residential spaces.

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