NIP bc moa 2023. 11. 20. 23:47
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Spanish episcopal leadership denies allegation on sexual abuse in Catholic Church

epa10986042 Archbishop of Barcelona and President of Spanish Episcopal Conference (CEE), Cardinal Juan Jose Omella (C), chairs the CCE's 123th plenary assembly in Madrid, Spain, 20 November 2023. Omella on 20 November denied the 'veracity and reliability' of the results of the Ombudsman's report on sexual abuse in the Catholic Church and has demanded a 'thorough and impartial' review of the data to correct 'any bias that may have been maliciously extrapolated'. Spain's Ombudsman presented on 27 October 2023a report of almost 800 pages, in which he stated that 1.13 per cent of Spanish adult population had suffered sexual abuse in the Roman Catholic Church when they were minors; that is, 400,000 people, practically all of whom would have been at the hands of priests and religious leaders. EPA/AITOR MARTIN

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