KDB Life Insurance secures exclusive rights for 2 new dementia-related policies

2023. 11. 15. 15:12
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[Courtesy of KDB Life Insurance]
KDB Life Insurance said on Wednesday that it has obtained exclusive rights for six months from the Korea Life Insurance Association’s New Product Review Committee for two new dementia-related insurance policies.

The exclusive policies acquired by the insurer are the Reimbursable Dementia Screening Test Guarantee and the Reimbursable Dementia Rehabilitation Therapy/Mental Therapy Guarantee. Both will carry no dividend. These special agreements will be available at KDB Life Insurance until April 15 of next year.

The Reimbursable Dementia Screening Test Guarantee provides a one-time maximum payment of 3 million won ($2,300) for policyholders who receive a confirmed dementia diagnosis during the insurance period and undergo a reimbursable dementia screening test for the purpose of dementia treatment or receive a confirmed dementia diagnosis through this test.

The Reimbursable Dementia Rehabilitation Therapy/Mental Therapy Guarantee offers a limited annual payment of 50,000 won for up to 10 sessions for policyholders who, during the insurance period, receive reimbursable inpatient or outpatient dementia rehabilitation therapy due to a confirmed dementia diagnosis.

“The two new benefits added to the established dementia insurance policy were developed considering the recent sharp increase in dementia patients. They reflect the societal recognition of the need for compensation for the suffering experienced by families of dementia patients,” said a company official.

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