LG Uplus releases cloud-based safety management digital transformation solution

2023. 11. 6. 16:00
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[Courtesy of LG Uplus]
South Korean mobile carrier LG Uplus Corp. has launched a cloud-based safety management digital transformation (DX) solution in collaboration with the Korea Industrial Safety Association and Unique & Experience, the company said on Monday.

The solution, called Smart My Safety Platform, supports more than 570 provisions and 400 mandatory activities stipulated by the Occupational Safety and Health Act and the Serious Accidents Punishment Act.

It can manage the status of workplaces and assess risks via web and mobile and also provide functions such as safety training, reporting of major accidents, and safety inspections.

LG Uplus believes that the platform will help small and medium-sized enterprises reduce safety management costs and comply with safety and health obligations as the Serious Accidents Punishment Act extends to workplaces with fewer than 50 employees from January next year.

The mobile carrier had formed a smart safety business squad in line with the implementation of the act and has been releasing various safety-related solutions such as smart safety equipment and artificial intelligence-based driver behavior analysis since last year.

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