First chosen members refuse to take part: Ihn Yo-han’s innovation committee staggers

Jo Mun-hui 2023. 10. 26. 18:13
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The People Power Party’s innovation committee is facing challenges from its formation after people mentioned as committee members refused to participate one after another. Ihn Yo-han, chair of the innovation committee, is planning to visit Gwangju to promote unity, but some within the party are pointing out that true innovation is impossible.

When the press asked if it would be possible to announce the innovation committee members Thursday, at the People Power Party (PPP) office in Yeouido, Seoul on October 25, Ihn replied, “I thought hard about who to select until midnight last night,” and mentioned expertise and diversity.

Despite Ihn’s remarks, the appointment of committee members does not look easy. For instance, Chun Ha-ram, head of the party’s office in the Suncheon-gap district in Jeollanam-do, declined Ihn’s offer to join the committee. The accountant, Kim Gyeong-yul was invited to join the innovation committee, but he also refused. Concerns about a lack of innovation in the innovation committee may have played a role.

There is a lot of distrust within the party over the purpose of the innovation committee, which was formed instead of replacing party leader Kim Gi-hyeon. They fear that if things remain the way they are, the vertical relationship between the Office of the President and the party will remain unchanged. “I have no intention of creating a puppet innovation committee to buy time for Kim,” Chun said on SBS radio Wednesday. Former party leader Lee Jun-seok appeared on MBC radio and said, “Instead of scratching someone else’s legs, he (Ihn) should scratch and see what the president is doing wrong. Then he would draw attention right away.”

Wednesday, Ihn said, “My face is a little different, isn’t it? This symbolizes change,” and added, “I will be straightforward and talk with the party frankly. And if I get the chance, I will also be straightforward with the president as well as the party leader,” but it was not enough to resolve the doubts in the party.

Lee Jin-bok, senior secretary to the president for political affairs, was spotted visiting Ihn at the party office. “I have no idea how many members and who they are selecting,” he said, adding, “There will be no intervention in the candidate nominations and in the management of the party.”

The direction of Ihn’s innovation is also unclear. In response to controversy sparked by his remarks the day before that “forces in the party from the lower reaches of the Nakdong River should take a backseat,” he said, “I meant we should have more diversity,” and asked, “Can’t I make a joke?” He took a step back when his words were interpreted as a suggestion to replace representatives of the Yeongnam (Gyeongsang-do) region. However, he also said that when the committee members and experts were finalized, he would take them to the May 18 Cemetery adding, “We will make good policies based on their expertise.”

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