LG CNS working on new AI service for internal data management

2023. 10. 25. 16:21
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[Courtesy of LG CNS]
LG CNS is set to launch a new service that combines generative AI with enterprise data to enhance the use of internal knowledge. The company announced on Tuesday that it is currently conducting technical verification of its “AI-driven Knowledge Management (KM) Innovation” service and plans to introduce it to corporate customers in the near future.

This service leverages Microsoft’s ‘Azure OpenAI’ GPT-4 technology. When employees utilize this service by posing questions in natural language to ChatGPT, LG CNS’s internally developed ‘Orchestrator’ identifies the relevant internal enterprise data and presents it to ChatGPT for analysis, which then generates an optimal response.

A unique feature of this system is that it provides the source of the answers, ensuring transparency and accountability. If the internal data is insufficient for a response, the service utilizes external knowledge sources to find the answer.

Orchestrator is also equipped with features to secure enterprise data, such as anonymizing sensitive information to prevent internal data leaks.

LG CNS has also developed ‘BRAINS,’ a web3.0-based knowledge market that accumulates internal data to strengthen its knowledge management services. To incentivize employees to contribute new knowledge data, the system offers a dedicated coin that can be earned and used for purchasing knowledge while providing rewards for such contributions.

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