LG Electronics actively seeks global tech talent

2023. 10. 13. 14:15
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LG Electronics CEO Cho Joo-wan [Photo by Choi Seung-jin]
South Korean tech giant LG Electronics Inc. is actively seeking to attract global talent across various domains from hardware to software by visiting top universities in the United States, including Harvard University, to introduce its business.

According to LG Electronics on Thursday, Senior Vice President Rhee Sok-woo, head of the company’s North America Innovation Center (LG Nova) in Silicon Valley, recently visited Harvard University in Massachusetts to take the stage at a tech seminar held under the theme of “The Next Steps in AI Evolution.”

The visit was made with an aim to secure global talent in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning.

Rhee introduced LG Electronics’ vision for next-generation AI technologies to the students, startups, venture capitalists, and others in the Boston area who attended the seminar.

The tech giant has been holding tech seminars in major U.S. cities, including Silicon Valley and Seattle, since the beginning of this year.

LG Nova is an organization that LG Electronics established in late 2020 under the Chief Strategy Officer (CSO) division to prepare for the future of the company.

Based in Silicon Valley, it is responsible for identifying new business models and leading strategic investments. Rhee, an expert in the field of Internet of Things (IoT) who served as deputy director of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in the U.S., is leading the organization.

Last month, LG Electronics visited seven universities in North America - Carnegie Mellon University, Purdue University, the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, the University of Michigan, the Georgia Institute of Technology, the University of Texas at Austin, and Texas A&M University - to hold recruitment sessions for future business areas including hardware, embedded software, AI, big data, robotics, telematics, and vehicle security.

On Saturday, the company plans to host a tech seminar at the LG Yokohama Innovation Center in Japan for local graduate students.

This is part of the company’s recruitment efforts targeting master’s and doctoral students at leading universities in Japan.

LG Electronics aims to focus on securing talent tailored for areas such as electric and electronic components, where Japan has strengths, as well as bourgeoning fields such as automotive electrical/electronic equipment.

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