Esri Launches Online GIS Course for Climate Action
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REDLANDS, Calif. -- Businesswire -- As the impacts of climate change increase and intensify around the world, one aspect that has become clear is the geographic nature of the issue. The ability to tackle such a wide-reaching geographic challenge requires technology that gives context, which location intelligence provides. To support the individuals working toward this goal, Esri (, the global leader in geographic information system (GIS) technology, today announced it will offer a new massive open online course (MOOC) exploring the application of its software to address climate change impacts. The complimentary course will be available this fall for six weeks on the Esri Academy website and includes full access to ArcGIS Pro, ArcGIS Network Analyst, ArcGIS Online, and other ArcGIS software that uses science-based tools and authoritative data.
GIS for Climate Action opens on October 25 and provides a comprehensive introduction to how GIS software is used to ingest, map, visualize, analyze, and share massive amounts of data.
Scientists, researchers, business leaders, and policymakers rely on GIS to glean insight that supports sound decisions. Participants in the MOOC will gain experience using a suite of ArcGIS software as they work through real-world scenarios to visualize climate hazards, analyze climate-related risks to people and the natural and built environments, and determine where to deploy effective solutions.
Chief Scientist of Esri, Dawn Wright, a lauded expert in geography and oceanography and the first Black person to explore and map Challenger Deep in the Pacific Ocean, will host the course.
“In this MOOC, we'll dive into scientific principles and explore climate change indicators, risks, and options to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions, protect vulnerable populations—and much more,” said Wright. "Taking positive climate action can begin with the simple act of talking about how it affects the people and places that you love.”
Course videos feature Wright having frank conversations with leading climate experts and individuals taking action to infuse sustainability into education and their local communities. Other videos feature discussions between Esri technology experts on the front lines of helping organizations understand and address climate risks.
Each section of the course will focus on a specific topic and application. From determining optimal locations to install solar panels to planning adaptations that will mitigate high heat to optimizing travel routes, participants will explore a wide range of scenarios using real data and powerful ArcGIS tools.
“I invite anyone who is worried about climate change and wants to make a difference to join this course,” continued Wright. ”It should also be a lot of fun!"
Sparking positive action requires effective communication, and course participants will learn how to use ArcGIS Dashboards, ArcGIS Instant Apps, and ArcGIS StoryMaps to share data and their analysis results using visually appealing information products that will resonate with decision-makers and the public.
GIS for Climate Action is open to learners worldwide. All that's needed to attend is an ArcGIS account, which is free and easy to create at ( A certificate will be awarded to all participants after course completion. Registration is open through November 8.
To view course details and register, visit (
About Esri
Esri, the global market leader in geographic information system (GIS) software, location intelligence, and mapping, helps customers unlock the full potential of data to improve operational and business results. Founded in 1969 in Redlands, California, USA, Esri software is deployed in hundreds of thousands of organizations globally, including Fortune 500 companies, government agencies, nonprofit institutions, and universities. Esri has regional offices, international distributors, and partners providing local support in over 100 countries on six continents. With its pioneering commitment to geospatial technology and analytics, Esri engineers the most innovative solutions that leverage a geographic approach to solving some of the world’s most complex problems by placing them in the crucial context of location. Visit us at (
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