METI will hold GGX x TCFD Summit

2023. 10. 1. 11:47
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TOKYO -- Businesswire -- From 10:00 on October 2 (Mon.), the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) will hold the Global Green Transformation (GGX) Conference and the TCFD Summit, which until now have attracted participation from a wide range of sectors including global industry, finance, governments, regulators, and international organizations, will be held jointly. In order to further develop discussions on transition finance, avoided emissions, industry decarbonization, and other topics related to how business and finance contribute to decarbonization, the event will promote mutual cooperation between the government, business, and financial sectors, and hold discussions to lead the international rule-making process to achieve both emission reductions and economic growth.

· Outline of Global Green Transformation (GGX) Conference and the TCFD Summit

Date: October 2nd, 2023 10:00-17:00 (JST) Organizer: Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) Co-organizer: TCFD Consortium, The World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) Format: Hybrid (On-Site and On-Line) Web Site:

· Online Registration

Online Registration Site: *Registration deadline: Oct 1st (Sun.) (JST, GMT+9:00)

· Program

- Opening Remarks HATAKEYAMA Yojiro (Director-General, Industrial Science, Technology and Environment Policy Bureau, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry) TOKURA Masakazu (Chairman, Keidanren (Japan Business Federation)) KATO Masahiko (Chairperson, Japanese Bankers Association) David Atkin (CEO, Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI)) - Keynote Speech 1 Gianluigi Benedetti (Ambassador, Embassy of Italy in Tokyo) - Panel Discussion 1 “Towards Net-Zero Society ~Industrial Decarbonisation~” What efforts are needed towards creating a “Green Market” to accelerate industrial decarbonization, focusing on the creation of demand? [Moderator] Peter Bakker (President and CEO, World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD)) [Panelist] Nancy Gillis (Program Head, First Movers Coalition, World Economic Forum) Rana Ghoneim (Chief, Energy Systems and Industrial Decarbonization Unit, United Nations Industrial Development Organization) TEZUKA Hiroyuki (Fellow, Executive, JFE Steel Corporation) MITA Noriyuki (Vice President, Sustainability Department, Mitsubishi Chemical Group Corporation *After October 1st) KOBAYASHI Izuru (Deputy Director-General for Environmental Affairs, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry) - Panel Discussion 2 “Solution Provider and Avoided Emissions” Companies are increasingly expected to provide solutions to social challenges. What is the potential of the idea of “avoided emissions” to evaluate a company's contribution to decarbonization of the society as a whole by providing solutions? [Moderator] HAYASHI Reiko (Director and Deputy President, BofA Securities Japan Co., Ltd.) [Panelist] Jason Mortimer (Head of Sustainable Investment - Fixed Income, Investment Department - Global Solutions, Nomura Asset Management) UEHARA Hirotoshi (Executive Officer, Quality & Environment, CS, Panasonic Operational Excellence Co., Ltd.) HIRUTA Takako (Country Leader, CS&Q, Schneider Electric Japan, Inc) - Keynote Speech 3 Emmanuel Faber (Chair, ISSB) MIYAZONO Masataka (President, Government Pension Investment Fund) MIZUNO Hiromichi (Founder And CEO, Good Steward Partners, LLC) - Panel Discussion 3 “Future of Climate-Related Financial Disclosures” As climate-related financial disclosures rapidly expand, what efforts are needed going forward? How can disclosure promote transition finance? [Moderator] NAGAMURA Masaaki (Fellow, International Initiatives, Tokio Marine Holdings, Inc.) [Panelist] Alex Michie (Head of Secretariat, GFANZ) IKEDA Satoshi (Chief Sustainable Finance Officer, Strategy Development And Management Bureau, Financial Services Agency) ISHIKAWA Tomohiro (Chief Regulatory Engagement Officer, Corporate Planning Division, Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group (MUFG)) KITAGAWA Keiko (General Manager, Sustainability Promotion Unit, Global Investor Relations Group, Finance Strategy and Planning Division, JERA Co., Inc.) - Keynote Speech 4 Mary Schapiro (Head, The TCFD Secretariat) ITO Kunio (Chair, The TCFD Consortium) - Panel Discussion 4 “Further Promotion of Transition Finance” As the understanding of the importance of transition finance grows globally, what efforts are needed to further promote investments toward decarbonization of corporates and the private financing towards them? [Moderator] KIHARA Shinichi (Director General for International Policy on Carbon Neutrality, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry) [Panelist] Nicholas Pfaff (Deputy Chief Executive, Head of Sustainable Finance, International Capital Market Association) Sean Kidney (CEO, Climate Bonds Initiative) Eila Kreivi (Director, Chief Sustainable Finance Advisor, Secretariat General, European Investment Bank) KUBOTA Nobuhiko (Managing Executive Officer, General Manager of Technology & Intelligence Integration, IHI Corporation) - Closing Remarks Peter Bakker (President and CEO, World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD))

*The above programs and speakers may be subject to change at the discretion of the organizer.

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