Tulsa Massacre Mass Graves

2023. 9. 30. 23:19
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FILE - Researchers and burial oversight committee member Brenda Alford carry the first set of remains exhumed from the latest dig site in Oaklawn Cemetery to an onsite lab for further examination Wednesday, Sept. 13, 2023 in Tulsa, Okla. The latest search for remains of victims of the 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre has ended with 59 graves found and seven sets of remains exhumed. Oklahoma state archaeologist Kary Stackelbeck said excavation ended Friday, Sept. 29 with the exhumed remains taken to an onsite forensic laboratory to begin efforts to identify them and determine the causes of their deaths. (Mike Simons /Tulsa World via AP) MANDATORY CREDIT; KOTV OUT; KJRH OUT; KTUL OUT; KOKI OUT; KQCW OUT; KDOR OUT; TULSA OUT; TULSA WEBSITES OUT

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