BA moa 2023. 9. 30. 19:26
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Gardeners collect seeds from pomegranates in Kandahar

epa10891528 Afghan children sort pomegranate seeds for export in Kandahar, Afghanistan, 30 September 2023. Kandahar is famous all over Afghanistan for its high-quality pomegranates, which are now being exported to different countries. Pomegranate harvesting has begun in Kandahar, Afghanistan, with an expected yield of 288,000 tons this year, a 10 percent increase from last year. The spokesperson for the Kandahar Agriculture Department, Nangyali Samon, stated that the region has 15,000 hectares of pomegranate orchards. Meanwhile, Abdul Baqi Bina, the Deputy Director of the Kandahar Chamber of Commerce, reported that the export of pomegranates to Pakistan has already commenced, with 10,000 tons exported so far. Bina also mentioned that exports to India, the United Arab Emirates, and various European and Asian countries will start in the coming days. EPA/STRINGER

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