The true meaning of aging well

2023. 9. 27. 18:24
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I should definitely use this long holiday to really become a better person by aging well.

Chun Su-jinThe author is the head of the Today-People News team at the JoongAng Ilbo. The long Chuseok holiday is finally here. This may be putting a damper on things, but the year’s end is near. Time is equal to everybody. Elon Musk, Kim Jong-un and the readers reading this are all turning a year older soon. As we spend the long Chuseok holiday, how about we reflect on the meaning of aging well?

Amid the huge tsunami of changes involving Korea’s low birth rate and rapidly aging population, the atmosphere of Chuseok has also been evolving. A society where I would be the only one responsible for me, myself and I, who will inevitably age, will approach us persistently like a monthly utility bill.

“Aging well” is often synonymous with “haven’t aged at all.” It’s like pop-up advertisements that boast catchphrases such as “My son is in university, and people say his mother could pass as his girlfriend.” Such claims are being made globally. Is aging a global object of disgust for everyone in the 21st century?

Nevertheless, growing old is a privilege for some. The case was so for Elliot Dallen, a Briton who made Britain shed tears in 2020. As he was dying of cancer at age 31, Darren, in a column he wrote for The Guardian, said he came to “see growing old as a privilege.”

“Nobody should lament getting one year older, another grey hair or a wrinkle. Instead, be pleased that you’ve made it. If you feel like you haven’t made the most of your last year, try to use your next one better,” he wrote. Darren died on the day the column was published. He wanted to reach his 40s, but ticking off the middle-age mark between your 40s and 50s comes with some determination. Actor Kim Cattrall was 40 when she was offered the role of Samantha in “Sex and the City.” Cattrall, who turns 66 this year, said in a forum recently she thought everything was over when she turned 40 but that she had realized finding something you like and growing through that and aging in that process makes a person stronger.

I confess that I clicked on that pop-up advertisement I mentioned earlier despite writing this piece arguing that it’s useless if you don’t have elegance and health but manage to look young enough to be mistaken as your grown-up son’s girlfriend. I am ashamed. Rather than spending time and money to fight against aging, I should strengthen my muscles, look after my joints and try to be more considerate and well-mannered, like keeping my voice down in public places and making sure I don’t hurt other people with my words. I should definitely use this long holiday to really become a better person by aging well.

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