Korean researchers develop solid-state battery with high ion conductivity
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The Korea Basic Science Institute (KBSI) announced Monday that a joint research team led by Kim Hyun-woo, a senior researcher at KBSI, and Professor Kim Young-sik from the School of Energy and Chemical Engineering at Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST) has successfully developed a solid-state battery based on oxide materials that offers high ion conductivity and flexibility at a commercially viable level.
The research team intends to transfer the technology to the Korean industrial sector.
“We have created a thin, solid electrolyte that can flex freely, maintaining mechanical strength even after more than 50 bending experiments,” said the team, adding that it demonstrated ion conductivity at a level suitable for commercialization.
Solid-state batteries have emerged as a promising alternative to traditional lithium-ion batteries due to their potential to address safety concerns associated with flammable liquid electrolytes. These new batteries utilize solid materials for both the electrolyte and electrodes, reducing the risk of thermal runaway and fires, which have been a concern with conventional lithium-ion batteries.
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