KT to exclusively manage Asian Games broadcasting network

2023. 9. 20. 13:54
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[Courtesy of KT]
South Korea’s KT Corp. has been selected to manage the broadcasting network for the Asian Games set to take place in Hangzhou, China from September 23.

KT, the country’s major telco, announced on Tuesday that it has established an international broadcasting network for the Asian Games, with an official opening ceremony held at Seoul International Telecommunication Center located in Hyehwa.

KT will serve as the primary telecommunications provider for the international broadcasting network responsible for transmitting live coverage of the Asian Games to domestic TV networks. The company was exclusively chosen for this role and will provide circuits to three major terrestrial broadcasting companies in Korea, totaling 114 circuits, during the sports event.

“To ensure seamless broadcasting coverage, we have multiplexed the entire international submarine cable section between Hangzhou International Broadcasting Center (IBC) and the three terrestrial broadcasting companies in Korea, with four main paths and two backup paths,” a KT spokesperson said.

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