FKI urges Korea-Japan-U.S. economic alliance

진은수 2023. 9. 6. 16:46
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Federation of Korean Industries (FKI) Chairman Ryu Jin suggested forming an economic alliance between Korea, Japan and the United States in letters sent to the federation’s global partners.
Federation of Korean Industries Chairman Ryu Jin

Federation of Korean Industries (FKI) Chairman Ryu Jin suggested forming an economic alliance between Korea, Japan and the United States in letters sent to the federation’s global partners.

Ryu sent greetings after being appointed as the new chairman of the FKI to some 40 business partners of the federation, including the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Japan’s Keidanren and Business at OECD (BIAC).

Ryu emphasized continued partnership with the Korean economy as well as a joint response to the global economy’s protectionism.

In a letter sent to the United States Chamber of Commerce, the FKI proposed creating a trilateral economic consultative body between Korea, the United States and Japan as a way to materialize the agreements reached at the Trilateral Summit held on Aug. 18.

The letter sent to Japan’s Keidanren, considered the Japanese equivalent of Korea’s FKI, emphasized the need to continue bilateral cooperation building on a recent agreement between the two countries on forming a "future-oriented" relationship.


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