sq ap 2023. 8. 26. 22:45
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Knokke deserted despite Facebook event to flood costal town reaching over 45,000

epa10821411 The beach and cabins seen almost deserted as more than 45,000 people have signed up on social media to virtually visit the Belgian coastal town on Saturday "in shorts and with a cooler”, in Knokke, Belgium, 26 August 2023. After two local women voiced their displeasure with tourists who ’show up in shorts’ and ‘bring coolers’ instead of dining at restaurants, someone created a Facebook event encouraging people to wear shorts and bring a cooler to Knokke.  By 24 August, over 45,000 individuals had registered up for the event to visit the Belgian coastal town in 'shorts and with a cooler' on 26 August but on the same day only a few people showed in person and most seem to have signed up only virtually. EPA/OLIVIER MATTHYS

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