Democratic Party calls for verification on Japanese press report that South Korea requested the early discharge of contaminated water

Yi Du-ri 2023. 8. 18. 17:23
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Park Jeung, chairperson of the parliamentary Environment and Labor Committee, declares the opening of the plenary session at the National Assembly on the morning of August 17. Yonhap News

On August 17, the Democratic Party of Korea spoke on the Asahi Shimbun coverage that stated, “There are voices from the Yoon Suk-yeol government and the South Korean ruling party (People Power Party) demanding the early discharge of the treated water (Japanese expression for contaminated water) from Fukushima so it will have less negative impact on the parliamentary elections if the discharge of water is inevitable,” and argued, “If the Asahi Shimbun report is true, then the Yoon Suk-yeol government and the People Power Party (PPP) must receive the people’s judgment immediately this day and not in next year’s parliamentary elections.”

In a briefing Thursday, Park Sung-joon, spokesperson for the Democratic Party voiced the argument saying, “The government and the ruling PPP must clearly reveal whether the Asahi Shimbun report is true. Did they discuss with Japan the timing of the discharge of contaminated water, which all the people are against?”

Park said, “If they requested an early release despite knowing all too well the concern that the entire nation has about the radiation-contaminated water from Fukushima, then even the heavens will be enraged.” He asked, “Can the eyes of the Yoon Suk-yeol government and the PPP see nothing but the parliamentary elections?” He also said, “President Yoon must actively stop the release of the contaminated water, which is threatening the lives of our people and our seas, at the Camp David summit.”

In a meeting of the parliamentary Environment and Labor Committee Thursday, lawmakers and the government clashed on the Asahi Shimbun coverage. When Democratic Party legislator Jeon Yong-gi asked Minister of Environment Han Wha-jin, “Have you confirmed the Asahi Shimbun report?” Han said, “I believe there is a need to check.” Democratic Party lawmaker Jin Sung-joon claimed that the Asahi Shimbun report was true and asked, “If it wasn’t, why would the Japanese newspaper publish such a report?” Minister Han said, “I believe that that part is not true, but we will look into it further since we have not yet grasped the details.”

Earlier on August 16, the Asahi Shimbun published an article under the heading, “President Yoon stresses intention to accelerate improving Japan-South Korea ties,” and mentioned that there were voices from the Yoon Suk-yeol government and the ruling PPP asking Japan to discharge the contaminated water from the Fukushima-Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Unit 1 early when it will have less of a negative impact on the parliamentary elections if the release of the water was inevitable. The Japanese newspaper added, “Such thoughts are being delivered to Japan unofficially and may affect the decision of the Japanese government.” However, the article did not mention any names and did not state when such requests were made.

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