YA MB 2023. 8. 11. 18:16
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Yemeni honey production facing economic and enviromental challenges

epa10794620 Jamah Saleh, professor of honey bee breeding at Dhamar University, central Yemen, (L) looks on as people are reflected on a glass box of beehives during a four-day honey fair in Sana'a, Yemen, 02 August 2023 (issued 11 August 2023). Prof. Saleh expressed concern about the impact of Yemen's conflict on the production of honey in the country. He warned of the detrimental effects of excessive logging and the widespread use of dangerous pesticides in agricultural fields and bee pastures. He noted that more people have resorted to excessive logging due to the shortage of cooking gas since the war began in 2015.

In the last decade, beekeeping and honey production in Yemen have been impacted by both the ongoing conflict and the effects of climate change. Despite this, Yemeni honey production is still in high demand and continues to be a significant source of income for many families and individuals. According to a UNDP (United Nations Development Programme) report from 2022, Yemen produces over 1,500 tons of honey every year, providing income for around 100,000 people. EPA/YAHYA ARHAB ATTENTION: This Image is part of a PHOTO SET

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