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epa10792055 A photo taken from handout video provided by the Russian Emergencies Ministry's press service shows emergency personnel working at the site of a blast at the Zagorsk Optical and Mechanical Plant in Sergiev Posad (about 68 kilometers from Moscow), Moscow Region, Russia, 09 August 2023. At least 45 people were injured and a complete evacuation of all buildings and workshops was announced at the plant. Violation of safety standards is the main reason for the explosion at the plant, said Olga Vradiy, a representative of the regional head of the investigative committee. 'The incident happened at 10:40 in a metal hangar of 40x40 meters. This is a pyrotechnics warehouse, which was rented by a private company on the territory of the Zagorsk Optical and Mechanical Plant,' the Moscow region governor Andrey Vorobyov added. EPA/RUSSIAN EMERGENCIES MINISTRY HANDOUT HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES
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