Eyeless spiders discovered in Hapcheon cave

2023. 7. 6. 15:16
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It is speculated that the species lost its sight due to evolutionary regression caused by inhabiting dark caves. The 1-millimeter-long spiders have long legs and live 80 meters from the cave entrance, where it is dark and humid.
The new spider species without eyes that was found in a cave in Hapcheon, South Gyeongsang. [NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES]

Spiders without eyes have been discovered for the first time in Korea.

It is speculated that the species lost its sight due to evolutionary regression caused by inhabiting dark caves.

According to the National Institute of Biological Resources (NIBR) on Thursday, the new species was found in a cave in Hapcheon, South Gyeongsang. The discovery was made in February in conjunction with a team led by Seoul National University entomology professor Lee Seung-hwan.

The research team named the species “Telemacoreana” as their transparent bodies shine with blue luminesce like a bead upon impact with light. They also have a light brownish color.

“Because the cave itself is dark, it is characteristic of spiders that inhabit caves to have colors that are close to white, as they do not need to camouflage themselves against natural predators,” Yoo Jung-sun, a researcher at NIBR's Biodiversity Research Department, said.

The 1-millimeter-long spiders have long legs and live 80 meters from the cave entrance, where it is dark and humid.

“We know of other spider species living in caves that have six eyes, or two less than your average spider,” Yoo said. “However, this is the first time where we have found a spider without any eyes in Korea.”

The research team plans to register the newly found species on the National Species List before the end of the year.

BY CHUN KWON-PIL [feeling@joongang.co.kr]

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