Watermelon season returns with small ones in more demand

2023. 6. 13. 14:42
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[Photo provided by Emart24]
The early heat in South Korea has led to an increasing number of customers buying watermelon, the country’s signature summer fruit. This year, watermelons that are small enough to be enjoyed by one person are especially popular.

Emart24 said on Tuesday that it will sell five varieties of watermelon in its stores, which include high-sugar whole watermelons weighing 6 kilograms to 7 kilograms, and half-watermelons weighing 2.4 kilograms without skin.

Homeplus, which already started selling watermelons, said it ships them in special packages to maintain product quality and operates a 100 percent exchange and refund system if customers are not satisfied. The retailer reported that sales of mango watermelon and apple watermelon through Homeplus Express’ instant delivery service soared by 283 percent and 184 percent, respectively, from May 11-31. Last year, 60 percent of watermelon sales through direct delivery were in large sizes of 7 kilograms to 9 kilograms, but this year 4 kilograms to 6 kilograms accounted for 60 percent, indicating that consumers prefer smaller sizes.

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