Lotte Group chairman promotes Busan to host 2030 World Expo

2023. 6. 13. 13:54
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Lotte Group Chairman Shin Dong-bin, right, shakes hands with Egyptian ambassador to Korea in Busan, on June 12. [Photo provided by Lotte Group]
Lotte Group Chairman Shin Dong-bin has promoted Busan, Korea’s second-biggest city, as a potential host for the World Expo 2030 during a two-day trip to celebrate the 15th anniversary of Asia Society Korea, according to the Lotte Group.

Following a gala dinner Monday night, Shin will also attend sideline events on Tuesday to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the Korean War Armistice, and to promote Busan for a successful bid for the 2030 Expo.

The Tuesday event will be attended by ambassadors from 30 countries, along with other attendees, including Busan Mayor Park Hyeong-joon, the secretary-general of the Busan Expo bidding committee Yoon Sang-jik, Executive Vice Chairman Woo Tae-hee of the Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Chief of Naval Operations for the Korean Navy Lee Jong-ho.

To commemorate the 70th anniversary of the Korean War Armistice, Shin will visit the Naval Operations Command in Busan with the ambassadors and other dignitaries, and hold a maritime memorial service to honor the fallen soldiers.

Shin will then visit Busan’s North Port, a candidate for the 2030 Expo. The chairman is scheduled to look around the promotional center at the exhibit and sites, and promote the city’s bid to host the Expo, said the Lotte Group.

Busan Port North Port has 147 years of history and has grown along with the coastal city. Shin is expected to promote the port as an optimal location for the world exhibit thanks to a “three-dimensional transportation network” that can utilize the advantages of both the land and the sea.

The visit to Busan Port North Port was reportedly proposed by Shin himself, who has been serving as a private ambassador for the Busan Expo.

Last week, the chairman also asked for support for the Busan Expo from global chief executives at the Consumer Goods Forum that took place on June 7, in Kyoto, Japan.

A week prior to the Kyoto even, he promoted Busan as a potential host for the Expo during a visit to the Lotte Open, part of the Korea Ladies Professional Golf Association tour, in Incheon. There he promised the full-scale support from Lotte Group for Busan’s successful bid for the 2030 Expo.

Asia Society Korea is a private diplomatic organization founded by Shin in October 2007. Since its inception, Shin has established close relationships with embassies in Korea and been engaged in expanding cultural and diplomatic exchanges as the chairman.

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