[FOOD COURT] Go on a gastronomic journey at these restaurants near Kyonggi Univ.

이태희 2023. 6. 13. 12:01
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Kyonggi University's Seoul Campus in Seodaemun District, western Seoul, is located in a quiet residential area, with good restaurants to try hidden in the alleyways.
Dahan's pasta [DAHAN]

Kyonggi University's Seoul Campus in Seodaemun District, western Seoul, is located in a quiet residential area, with good restaurants to try hidden in the alleyways.

The Seoul Campus itself is relatively small, offering courses for only arts and tourism under the College of Tourism and Culture on the campus. But a small campus doesn't mean restaurants in the neighborhood have few customers. Office workers from nearby Chong Kun Dang and KT&G also flock to restaurants and crowd the area during weekday lunch hours.

If you end up near Kyonggi University and have time for a meal, here are some recommendations by the Korea JoongAng Daily.

Muukjik Sandwich

Sanwich sold at Muukjik Sandwich [MUUKJIK SANDWICH]

Muukjik in Korean means bulky, which is the perfect word to describe the restaurant's sandwich fillings. Various types of ham and meat are thickly piled inside the sandwiches, with each bite being mouthful. But customers don't have to worry about being a messy eaters, as the restaurant provides customers with single-use finger gloves and wet tissue packets for a tidy meal.

One of its popular sandwiches is the chipotle roast beef sandwich, which comes with beef that has been made soft by sous vide cooking. All sandwiches use crisp-crusted baguettes that have a soft and chewy interior. The pulled pork mango salsa sandwich is a good choice for those who like sweeter sauce, with the mango offering a sweet and soury flavor.

Although most sandwiches at the restaurant tend to be meat-heavy, there is a vegan option. The caponata sandwich comes with caponata, or an assortment of diced vegetables seasoned in tomato sauce, fior di latte cheese and pickles.

The restaurant is a small venue that mostly offers its sandwiches for takeout, although there is a small table outside for customers who want to eat in.

81, Kyonggidae-ro 9-gil, Seodaemun-gu, SeoulBusiness hours: Sunday to Friday11:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. 0507-1314-6852

Jarak Ssalguksu

Pho with beef innards, sold at Jarak Ssalguksu [LEE TAE-HEE]

Jarak Ssalguksu is located near the university and also in the area where a lot of studio apartments for students are. The restaurant is a popular place whether it's on weekdays or weekends.

There are three types of pho at the restaurant, such as beef pho, spicy pho and pho with beef innards. All three come with generous portions for a price that ranges between 8,000 won ($6.2) to 9,000 won. The pho with beef innards has a light and mildly spicy broth that many people could enjoy. Adding a bit of lime juice, available on every table, to the broth gives it a tangy kick that makes the dish enjoyable.

Other Vietnamese side dishes are also available at the restaurant. Its cha gio, or fried spring rolls, has a little more aromatic flavor due to being fried in oil with green onions.

Orders may slightly take a long time to be served as the restaurant's owner does all the cooking and restaurant attending by herself. But the hearty meal at the restaurant definitely makes it worth the wait.

77, Kyonggidae-ro 9-gil, Seodaemun-gu, SeoulBusiness hours: Monday to Saturday 11 a.m. to 8 p.m.0507-1488-7959

Steve Kitchen

Steve Kitchen's shrimp curry [STEVE KITCHEN]

Steve Kitchen is a cozy curry restaurant at the midpoint between Kyonggi University and the nearby Chungjeongno Station. The restaurant looks very small from the outside but actually has plenty of tables.

The restaurant offers classic options such as vegetable curry, pork curry and shrimp curry, served with Japanese-style curry that's more stew-like and savory. Apart from classic dishes, there are special ones like curry with natto, or fermented soybeans. Their summer menu also includes cold and spicy buckwheat noodles.

When ordering curry, diners won't get the usual white rice. The restaurant uses yellow turmeric rice, which has a slightly earthy and savory taste and goes well with curries. It's also a great place for big eaters, with customers who order curry given one free refill of rice and curry.

One thing to note about Steve Kitchen is that it stays open for a short period of time. It opens on weekdays at 11 a.m. and closes at 2:40 p.m., only serving customers during lunchtime.

38, Kyonggidae-ro, Seodaemun-gu, SeoulBusiness hours: Monday to Friday 11 a.m. to 2:40 p.m.0507-1354-0930


Chicken cream risotto sold at Dahan [DAHAN]

Dahan is a Western restaurant located a bit closer to the Seodamun Station side of the neighborhood, specializing in pasta and risotto.

One of its popular dishes is the chicken cream risotto, served with diced chicken drumstick meat and vegetables incorporated into the sauce. Although the dish is cream-based, a hint of spiciness kicks in at the end because the drumstick meat is cooked in red pepper oil. Those who don't prefer spice can always ask the restaurant not to use red pepper oil, but customers can also ask for more kick as well. Those who prefer pasta can order the chicken cream pasta, which uses the same sauce.

Apart from the two dishes, the restaurant offers rosé and shrimp oil pasta. Their pork oil pasta comes with a lot of grilled pork and plenty of roasted garlic and onions that add a rich flavor.

The restaurant is frequented not only by Kyonggi University students but also by office workers in the Seodamun neighborhood. You might find yourself waiting in line during busy lunch and dinner hours.

3, Dongnimmun-ro 14-gil, Seodaemun-gu, SeoulBusiness hours: Monday to Friday 11:30 a.m. to 10:30 p.m., Saturday 11:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. 0507-1425-5570

BY LEE TAE-HEE [lee.taehee2@joongang.co.kr]

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