AS MB 2023. 6. 12. 23:16
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Palestinians face eviction from their Jerusalem home after years of legal struggle

epa10686829 An elderly Palestinian street vendor sells grape leaves, used as a popular Palestinian food, next to a graffiti of the Star of David, in an alley near the Sub-Laban family home in the Muslim quarter of Jerusalem's Old City, 12 June 2023. Nora and Mustafa Sub-Laban are facing the risk of eviction from their home in Jerusalem's Old City after decades of legal dispute over the property that began in 1978. In 2023, the Israeli Supreme Court ruled in favor of a group of Jewish settlers and ordered that the eviction of the elderly Palestinian couple is to be carried out. Nora and Mustafa Sub Laban expect they could be evicted anytime. EPA/ATEF SAFADI

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