HK 2023. 6. 6. 23:08
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The enigmatic Paternus inscription unveiled in Taormina

epa10675912 A handout photo made available by the press office of the Ancient Theater of Taormina shows the Ancient Theater of Taormina, Sicily Island, Italy, 06 June 2023. A discovery allows to reconstruct the date of the great restructuring and expansion of the theater in the second century after Christ. This discovery lifts the veil on the inscription of Paternus, reported in the 19th century, but incorrectly, and then even considered lost. This inscription on precious marble bears a date: 108 after Christ. It was believed to be an epigraph in honor of Paternus, it was instead a sort of trademark. EPA/ALESSANDRO LICCIARDELLO HANDOUT HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES

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