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epa10668878 Indian laborers of PotHoleRaja, a social venture company, place GridMats made from used waste plastic materials on the ground to build a road in Bangalore, India 22 May 2023. (Issued 02 May 2023). The sustainable road is made up of recycled waste plastic materials polypropylene which is placed above a concrete bedding layer of the ground then filled with concrete, producing a high-quality road surface and flooring in less than half the time and at a cost that is 20 to 25 per cent cheaper than the traditional method with great sustainability. According to the report issued Swachh Bharat Mission (Urban) Plastic Waste Management Solutions and Case Studies, government of India, It is estimated that approximately 70% of plastic packaging products are converted into plastic waste in a short span. The world will mark Environment Day on 05 June 2023 and it will focus on solutions to plastic Pollution. EPA/JAGADEESH NV ATTENTION: This Image is part of a PHOTO SET
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