aespa, Becomes the First K-Pop Group to Step on the Red Carpet in Cannes

정현하 2023. 6. 2. 22:35
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(MHNSPORTS Hyeonha Jeong reporter) aespa, who is an official ambassador of Chopard since 2022, took a red carpet of Le Festival de Cannes, a global film event. Caroline Scheufele, co-president and art director of Chopard invited aespa to the event.

On May 24(local time), aespa attended the red carpet event of "The Potau Peu" premiere at the "Falais des Festival" Lumiere Grand Theater, wearing the "Red Carpet Collection" piece, a collection of high jewelry by Chopard.

Since the festival was started, all members of the K-pop group stepped on the red carpet for the first time, drawing keen attention on the spot.


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