B.I, Release of the 2th Full-length Album "TO DIE FOR"

정현하 2023. 6. 2. 22:35
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First, he said, "I prefer to have the title song as one, but it was difficult to choose because the two songs had different charms," adding, "I thought the charm and effects would be different for listeners, and I wanted to show various sides, so I decided to do both."

Asked if it was meaningful in his album "TO DIE FOR," he said, "I asked internally myself what I wanted to protect and love for youth to die," adding, "If there is such a thing, I thought only youth can be allowed to be reckless, and it contains the fierceness of youth."

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(MHNSPORTS Hyeonha Jeong reporter) On June 1, a media showcase was held to commemorate the release of B.I's second full-length album "TO DIE FOR."

"TO DIE FOR" is an album that deals with the ending of youth's feelings about dreams, love, youth, and life. The album consists of a total of 15 songs, including the double title songs "Dare to Love" and "Die for Love."

First, he said, "I prefer to have the title song as one, but it was difficult to choose because the two songs had different charms," adding, "I thought the charm and effects would be different for listeners, and I wanted to show various sides, so I decided to do both."

Asked if it was meaningful in his album "TO DIE FOR," he said, "I asked internally myself what I wanted to protect and love for youth to die," adding, "If there is such a thing, I thought only youth can be allowed to be reckless, and it contains the fierceness of youth."

"I appreciate that there is someone who supports me and i will do my best in everything and do what I can," he said.


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