InBody seeking to ramp up global sales of body water analyzers

2023. 6. 2. 11:39
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InBody Co.’s BWA2.0 [Courtesy of InBody]
South Korea’s InBody Co., a global leader in body composition technology, is seeking to establish its dominance in the field of analyzing the body’s most abundant component, water, with a specialized device for professional and at-home users.

According to the company on Thursday, InBody’s BMW2.0, a body water measurement device for experts developed in 2019, has obtained marketing authorizations in over 10 countries, including the U.S. and Europe.

This product, launched as InBody’s second generation body water analyzer following the InBody S10, has been selling hundreds of units annually in the Korean market.

Body water analysis is widely used in fluid monitoring, cellular nutrition assessment, diagnosis of muscle loss, obesity, and anti-aging evaluations.

“There are numerous patients who require continuous measurement and management of body water, including those with critical conditions such as cancer who need to monitor nutritional balance, and other individuals with heart and kidney failures that require fluid monitoring, those undergoing dialysis who need weight management, and diabetes patients who need body composition management,” said and unnamed official from the company.

InBody’s new body water analyzer has already passed the rigorous medical technology evaluation for muscle loss in 2021.

Until now, precise assessment of muscle loss required exposure to radiation, but with the BWA2.0, it is possible to confirm the degree of muscle loss without radiation exposure.

The company said it is set to release an at-home body water analyzer in the second half of this year.

The product will allow individuals to analyze body water in their own homes, helping them predict diseases and provide detailed information on localized edema levels, body fat percentage, and visceral fat levels.

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