The Inca Arrives to USA, a Strong Outlook for Peru Tourism Recovery

2023. 5. 29. 15:57
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LIMA, Perú -- Businesswire -- The Inca emperor walks the streets of New York City while his retinue dances tirelessly along the way, garnering the attention of the passers-by who stopped to stare and take video of the captivating scene.

This performance was displayed by 30 actors from Cusco, Peru, as a promotional strategy to get Peru back in the news and in front of potential visitors in a positive way.

The upcoming Inti Raymi (Festival of the Sun), a thousand-year-old ritual worshiping the Sun God and asking him to make the days longer, was promoted in the Big Apple in order to put the most notable celebration of Cusco’s calendar in the international spotlight.

Inti Raymi honors the Sun each June 24th and celebrates the winter solstice of the Southern Hemisphere. Throughout June, Inca rituals are performed to honor the earth, the sun, and the region’s glacier-capped mountains.

Though recognizing Christ, the Virgin Mary, and numerous saints, many Peruvians also commemorate local and natural deities. These include the Pachamama (Mother Earth) and the Apus (Mountain Spirits), which include sacred glacier capped-peaks that protect villages in the region. Andean celebrations like the Qoyllur Rit’i festival and the Catholic Corpus Christi lead up to the most important ceremony, the Inti Raymi.

This open invitation for international travelers to experience the Festival of the Sun 2023 is also a reminder of what is unique and special about Peru.

PROMPERÚ, local governments and the private sector have worked intensively to promote events and destinations in the short and medium term, aiming at the development and prosperity of the tourism industry.

Transformers in Cusco

Bucket-list experience Machupicchu and other key sites of Peru will be featured in the next iteration of the Transformers franchise.

With Peru boasting 76 Natural Protected Areas, 21 Regional Conservation Areas and 134 Private Conservation Areas, it offers a host of destinations, communities and adventures to explore with the confidence of an ethical and environmental footprint.

From the Andes to the Amazon, there are sustainable tourism attractions and experiences throughout the country, with many globally accredited and recognised with green certification awards by internationally recognised green organizations and bodies.

Watch this behind the scenes of “Transformers: Rise of the Beasts” - in theaters June 9:

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