Man arrested for allegedly murdering girlfriend who insulted his parents

2023. 5. 26. 17:24
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(Korea Herald DB)

A man in his 20s was apprehended by police on Thursday on suspicion of murdering his girlfriend.

Police, currently investigating the homicide case, stated that the individual is suspected of killing his girlfriend at a condo in Ansan, Gyeonggi Province.

The suspect, who attempted to flee, is reported to have called the fire service two hours after the murder is thought to have taken place. It's reported that he told the fire station, "I had a fight with a friend but (the friend) just stopped breathing."

The suspect was caught on the day of the incident in Gwacheon, near Ansan.

While he was being investigated by police, he is reported to have stated, "While having confrontations with her, she talked about my parents, which agitated me so much to murder her."

By Hwang Joo-young(

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