[Photo News] Korean War heroes to be on display in New York's Times Square

2023. 4. 20. 13:51
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Portraits of 12 Korean and American heroes who fought during the Korean War (1950-1953) will be on public display Thursday in New York's Times Square, marking the 70th anniversary of the Korean Armistice Agreement.

Samsung and LG will play a video dedicated to the Korean War veterans, made by the South Korea Ministry of Patriots and Veterans Affairs, starting from 12 a.m. on Monday.

The video contains the portraits of 12 heroes including General Douglas MacArthur, who led the successful Operation Chromite, and US Air Force Colonel Dean Elmer Hess, who evacuated around 1,000 war orphans in Seoul from invading Chinese troops. The video ends with a message of gratitude for their sacrifices and dedication.

Although 12 portraits will be on display, the number 10 on the video's poster counts two father-son pairs -- James Alward Van Fleet and James Alward Van Fleet Jr., and William Earl Shaw and William Hamilton Shaw -- together, rather than separately, according to the ministry.

The 30-second video is to be displayed through May 3.

By Lim Jae-seong(forestjs@heraldcorp.com)

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