IVE, NO.1 "Music Video Trending Worldwide" chart... "The World is Diving on IVE!"

정현하 2023. 4. 1. 12:55
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The pre-release buzz single “Kitsch”
1st place on YouTube's "Music Video Trending Worldwide" chart

(MHNSPORTS Hyeonha Jeong reporter) IVE captivated global fans with their free unexpected charm.

IVE's latest track, "Kitsch" topped YouTube's "Music Video Trending Worldwide" chart on the 28th.

IVE hereby certify that a trend by putting their name on the top.

"Kitsch" is the pre-release buzz single for the group's forthcoming full-length album I've IVE dropping next month. This song gives a thrilling pleasure by combining various sounds that bounce along with colorful instrumental sounds based on strong beats and basslines.

After the release of "Kitsch", IVE announced the comeback by achieving good results on various overseas charts as well as No. 1 on major music sites in Korea.

IVE, meanwhile, will make a comeback with first full-length album "I've IVE" on April 10.

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