Laon People accelerates AI vision penetration into everyday life
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LaonRoad Inc., a subsidiary of Laon People, is collaborating with SeongNam Industry Promotion Agency to develop an AI-powered smart pedestrian crossing for the protection of vulnerable road users. The system recognizes pedestrians’ movements in real-time and judges the crossing situation.
For example, when children, seniors, or people with disabilities cross the road, the system automatically extends the crossing signal time if a pedestrian’s crossing is delayed.
Laon People’s smart traffic analysis system, which enables AI analysis of intersection videos, is also groundbreaking. Using deep learning technology, it follows vehicles and pedestrians and captures jaywalking or cars turning right at a straight lane in real-time, for example. The data obtained here is used to improve transportation policies and accident prevention systems.
“AI vision is the only technology that can understand the traffic situation for each lane on a four-lane road,” said Lee Suk-joong, chief executive officer of Laon People, in a recent interview with Maeil Business Newspaper.
Laon People recently supplied an AI driver monitoring solution called AIKEEP to DHL’s Korean operation. AIKEEP is an AI vision device with deep learning technology that recognizes driver negligence such as drowsy driving, lack of attention, and unnecessary movements.
“We plan to increase the number of AIKEEP installations in various vehicles, including logistics vehicles, and enter the European market,” said Lee.
Laon People’s AI technology is also achieving results in the healthcare field.
To correct teeth alignment, individual teeth and gums must be separated and measured, and the future movement of teeth after alignment must be predicted.
“Calculating this oral information manually takes a long time, and the quality of the results varies greatly depending on the dentist’s experience or knowledge,” Lee said. “However, with AI machine vision solutions, the simulation can be completed in just five minutes.”
Laon People is also launching a new AI golf lesson service this year as part of its screen golf sensor business, which already serves as the company’s cash cow.
The company aims to achieve more than double the revenue this year from last year, according to Lee.
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