Dunamu campaign plants trees in fire-damaged forest

2023. 3. 29. 17:57
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Dunamu is making a difference with its Recovery Forest with Second Forest campaign, planting 30,000 trees to restore the area affected by fires.
The virtual forest in 2ndblock, which was destroyed by a virtual fire, has been restored through the planting of virtual trees by participants. [DUNAMU]

Dunamu is making a difference with its Recovery Forest with Second Forest campaign, planting 30,000 trees to restore the area affected by fires.

Dunamu announced on March 27 that its Recovery Forest with Second Forest campaign, which was conducted in partnership with the Korea Forest Service and the Korea Forest Welfare Institute, has ended successfully with about 20,000 people participating. Under the campaign, more than 30,000 trees were planted in Uljin, North Gyeongsang, which was severely damaged by a large forest fire in April.

Recovery Forest with Second Forest received a warm response as any citizen who cares about the environment can participate in forest recovery regardless of time and space. The campaign was held from March 20 to 24 in its virtual forest on Dunamu’s metaverse platform, 2ndblock. For each tree participants plant in its virtual forest, two actual trees are planted in Uljin.

About 4,500 trees were planted, and a total of 19,790 people participated during the first day of the campaign alone. Events held during lunch each day also gathered much interest, and even an hour before the events would begin, some 300 people would quickly gather and visitors could broaden their understanding of forest recovery and forest fire prevention through real time quizzes.

Its virtual experiences are connected to real life, while the voted tree will be used as an actual restoration tree. A total of 10,000 groocon (a portmanteau of groo and gifticon) provided to participants during the tree planting mission are expected to lead family tree planting, which will have help to absorb carbon from the atmosphere. About 60 million won ($46,000) of treatment funds will also be prepared to help ease the trauma of the firefighters and residents who dealt with and were affected by the fire and to support the disaster victims.

“Dunamu’s technique and high awareness of participants’ eco-consciousness have combined to create another social value,” said Lee Sirgoo, Dunamu CEO. “We will continue exerting all possible efforts to make a great addition to social and environmental problems by utilizing Dunamu’s skills and know-how.”

BY PARK YE-EUN [park.yeeun@joongang.co.kr]

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