Japanese Cuisine and Food Culture Human Resource Development Program: A training course was held inviting non-Japanese chefs
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TOKYO -- Businesswire -- The Japanese Cuisine and Food Culture Human Resource Development Committee (Chairman: Yoshihiro Murata) has held, since FY 2016, practical training courses and other events at Japanese restaurants for non-Japanese chefs invited from overseas, so as to enhance their knowledge about the Japanese culinary art and cooking skills. These efforts are made under the project subsidized by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF), which aims to develop international human resources who can play a part in letting the world know about the charm of Japanese food, cuisine, and food culture.
In FY 2020 and 2021, the training program was forced to be held online due to the influence of the COVID-19 pandemic. This year, it was carried out in a physical setting at renowned Japanese restaurants in Kyoto, inviting 12 participants selected after the online training. On Friday, February 10th, the whole process of the training course completed following the presentation session by the trainees (foreign-national chefs) on their reports, the closing event, and the ceremony to award the bronze certificate under the “Certification of Cooking Skills for Japanese Cuisine in Foreign Countries” program. * Certification of Cooking Skills for Japanese Cuisine in Foreign Countries (MAFF’s website: https://www.maff.go.jp/j/shokusan/syokubun/tyori.html)
Some of the participants’ comments are as follows: “The training program allowed me to learn, through practical experiences at a real restaurant, about the Japanese cuisine’s knowledge and rules, which were formerly only accessible via a book or a website.” “After returning to my home country, I would like to make use of my experience in the training to serve more authentic Japanese cuisine and actively use Japanese ingredients at my own restaurant.” Please refer to the following pages for the outline and particulars of the training. If you are interested in the details, please contact the address in the Contact Information.
[ Schedule for the Invitation-based Training Course ] Wed., Feb. 1, 2023 Orientation, group training (basic knowledge of Japanese cuisine) Thu., Feb. 2, 2023 Training at sake breweries Fri., Feb. 3 to Thu. Feb. 9, 2023 Practical training Fri., Feb. 10, 2023 Report presentation, closing event, bronze certificate awarding ceremony
[ Trainees Invited ] 12 trainees (nationalities: India, Thailand, China (Hong Kong), Brazil, France, the US, Poland, and Malaysia)
[ Schedule of the Japanese Cuisine and Food Culture Human Resource Development Program ] Jun. 2022 Recruitment of trainees Jul. 2022 Selection of online training participants (65 people); commencement of the online training sessions Oct. 2022 Online training final exam Nov. 2022 Bronze certification exam under the “Certification of Cooking Skills for Japanese Cuisine in Foreign Countries” program to be attended by those who passed the online training final exam (44 people) Dec. 2022 Selection of 12 trainees to invite based on the online training attendance status and exam results Jan. 31-Feb. 10, 2023 Invitation-based training Tue., Jan. 31, 2023 Arrival of trainees in Japan Wed., Feb. 1, 2023 Orientation, group training (basic knowledge of Japanese cuisine, etc.) Thu., Feb. 2, 2023 Training at a sake brewery Fri., Feb. 3 to Thu., Feb. 9, 2023 Practical training Fri., Feb. 10, 2023 Report presentation, closing event, and bronze certificate awarding ceremony
[ Restaurants cooperated in the practical training ] *In no particular order
(To view the table, please visit https://bwnews.pr/40l0hAD)
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