SK Ecoplant, Bloom Energy build power plant at US hospital

2023. 3. 22. 17:25
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SK Ecoplant Americas has installed a fuel cell power plant at the entrance of Stamford Hospital in Connecticut. (SK Ecoplant)

SK Ecoplant said Wednesday that the company and its US partner Bloom Energy have completed installation of a fuel cell power plant at Stamford Hospital in Connecticut.

Bloom Energy specializes in solid-oxide fuel cells, which can be used for electricity generation and hydrogen production. Previously, SK Ecoplant made 300 billion won ($229 million) of equity investment in Bloom Energy and is preparing for additional 400 billion won of investment in March.

According to SK Ecoplant, its US arm SK Ecoplant Americas and Bloom Energy installed a 2-megawatt solid-oxide platform at Stamford Hospital on the Bennett Medical Center Campus in Connecticut and a 700-kilowatt platform at the nearby Tully Health Center.

SK Ecoplant Americas, previously known as SK E&C Betek, was in charge of engineering, procurement and construction of the fuel cell platform at the hospital.

SK Ecoplant said its partnership with leading fuel cell company Bloom Energy will play an important role in securing orders in the US market, particularly from mission-critical facilities.

SK Ecoplant said Bloom Energy’s solid-oxide fuel cells are optimized for mission-critical facilities as they can generate power 24/7 as long as a fuel source -- such as hydrogen -- is supplied, whereas power generation using renewable energy sources can be intermittent when resources such as wind and solar are not constantly available.

Bloom Energy's fuel cells are stand-alone power generation platforms, which allow facilities to be provided with electricity without having new electrical transmission lines nearby.

The company's fuel cells can be also built within a small area, allowing the power generation platform to be built within facilities such as data centers, hospitals and financial systems.

Bloom Energy’s solid-oxide fuel cells can also generate electricity from a variety of fuels, including natural gas and biogas, without combustion, which can reduce emissions of air pollutants such as nitrogen and sulfur dioxide, SK Ecoplant said.

SK Ecoplant is expected to utilize its partner’s existing network resources in the US market and strengthen its position as a fuel cell-based power supplier in the US market.

In 2022 alone, Bloom Energy added five significant new customers in the health care space.

SK Ecoplant CEO Kyung-il Park said, “With its experience in successful completion of a fuel cell project, SK Ecoplant is well-positioned to become a leader in the global fuel cell supply market with Bloom Energy.”

By Shim Woo-hyun(

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