LG Chem supplies RO filters to China’s largest lithium extraction project
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The Guoan lithium extraction project is led by CITIC Group, a large state-owned enterprise in China, and is in full operations in Qinghai Province. The project aims to produce 20,000 tons of battery-grade lithium carbonate annually, which is enough to produce 500,000 electric vehicles. It is currently the world’s largest lithium extraction project utilizing filtration.
Traditionally, to extract lithium from brine lakes, the water is evaporated to increase the concentration of lithium and heat is applied to remove the remaining water. However, RO filters remove water molecules at a much faster rate, without adding heat. LG Chem’s RO filters have high impurity removal rates and high production flow rates and are more durable than those of competitors, according to the company.
“We will combine our leadership in battery materials and RO filters to lead the market amid the increasing global demand for lithium,” said Hyung Hoon, head of LG Chem’s RO filter business.
LG Chem also plans to expand its RO filter business to other salt lake lithium projects in China and South America.
For more efficient lithium extraction, LG Chem is partnering with Korea University to develop RO filters for the next-generation lithium direct extraction process. This technology shortens the lithium concentration process from months to hours.
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