Four former members of girl group Loona sign with Modhaus

조용준 2023. 3. 17. 18:07
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Four former members of girl group Loona have signed with Modhaus, the agency behind rookie girl group tripleS. “Modhaus has signed exclusive contracts with Jeon Hee-jin, Kim Jung-eun, Jeong Jin-sol and Choi Ye-rim ...

Four former members of girl group Loona have signed with Modhaus, the agency behind rookie girl group tripleS.

“Modhaus has signed exclusive contracts with Jeon Hee-jin, Kim Jung-eun, Jeong Jin-sol and Choi Ye-rim, former members of Loona on March 17,” the agency said on Friday.

The four members — also known by their stage names Heejin, Kim Lip, Jinsoul and Cheorry — had their exclusive contracts with Loona's agency BlockBerry Creative suspended in January by a court.

The decision came 10 months after a court ruled in March 2022 that Loona member Chuu’s exclusive contract with the company be provisionally suspended, accepting Chuu's argument that her exclusive contract with her agency had unfair clauses.

Modhaus is an agency founded in 2021 by Jaden Jeong, a former producer and director at JYP Entertainment and Woollim Entertainment. He is also known for his works while he was formerly at BlockBerry Creative, where he served as the producer of Loona and designed the girl group’s unique fictional universe.


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