[Herald Interview] Tei now relishes performing old Beethoven

2023. 2. 19. 23:49
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When Tei, a singer who is also pursuing an acting career in musicals, was offered the role of an aging Beethoven, his initial response was a firm "no."

After making his debut as a singer of ballads in 2004, he has expanded his career to include acting, radio work, and even owning a restaurant. In addition to his work in the musical "Ludwig: Beethoven the Piano," Tei has appeared in other musicals such as "Jack the Ripper," "Singing in the Rain," and "The Man Who Laughs."

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Tei (right) portrays the character of the famous composer Ludwig van Beethoven in 'Ludwig: Beethoven the Piano.' (Orchard Musical Company)

When Tei, a singer who is also pursuing an acting career in musicals, was offered the role of an aging Beethoven, his initial response was a firm "no."

Tei was in his mid-30s at the time, and covetous of the younger Beethoven role in the show. He was eventually persuaded to take on the challenge of playing the older manifestation of the composer in “Ludwig: Beethoven the Piano” and he is now happy with the role and has grown to resonate with the role.

“Up until the third run, I hoped for the younger Beethoven, but now I am about to enter my 40s, the role resonates with my role (outside). Now I enjoy it a lot,” Tei, 39, said.

“There are many aspects of Beethoven (in the musical) that reflect my feelings as a singer,” he noted. “For instance, if love for music turns into obsession and greed, it becomes a disaster. ... He got hurt by the music but also healed by music.”

Asked himself to compare with Beethoven, Tei says that "Music plays a big part in my life. It launched my career and It has caused me both pain and happiness."

"The difference is that Beethoven is great, while I am humble," Tei added.

Tei, whose bravura performance runs for over two hours without an intermission, said that the process of remaining on stage for the bulk of the show was a challenge physically and emotionally.

"I need to master my emotions in order to convey Beethoven's madness effectively," he said.

"On a more practical note - once the call of nature struck while on stage but I had to forge on regardless. If I was sweating excessively, it was probably because of that," he added.

Tei (Fun Han Entertainment)

After making his debut as a singer of ballads in 2004, he has expanded his career to include acting, radio work, and even owning a restaurant. In addition to his work in the musical "Ludwig: Beethoven the Piano," Tei has appeared in other musicals such as "Jack the Ripper," "Singing in the Rain," and "The Man Who Laughs."

"Ludwig: Beethoven the Piano" revolves around Beethoven’s life struggles, including his father's abuse, hearing loss and complex and controversial relationship with his sole nephew, Karl van Beethoven.

It features five actors, who play a total of eight characters -- child Beethoven, young Beethoven, old Beethoven, Karl, Mari, Walter and a theater owner. Tei performs old Beethoven and the theater owner.

The off-off-Broadway type musical premiered in 2018 and Tei joined the production from the second revival in 2019. Now the fourth production is running at the Yes24 theater at Daehangno, a major theater district in Seoul, until March 12.

“You may not be intrigued by the title without any information about the musical. But I can guarantee it is quality work and you won’t regret it,” Tei said. “This work shows that even for a person like Beethoven, a human being always needs to contemplate and stay awakened until the very end.”

By Park Ga-young(gypark@heraldcorp.com)

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